| Bybelsche Geographicus of volkomen beschrijving van alle de in de Heilige Schrift enz.Bybelsche Geographicus of volkomen beschrijving van alle de in de Heilige Schrift enz.
details_place | Amsterdam |
details_publisher | M de Bruyn |
details_complete | Yes |
details_conditiontext | goed |
details_condition | 7 |
language | NLD |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | Yes |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Paper Back with Marmered Boards |
details_heightcm | 14 |
details_widthcm | 20.5 |
details_thickcm | 5 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_gewicht | 1.37 |
details_collation | No of Bindings |
details_bookid | 91023 |
Complete with 8 + 7 cards. One card with damage. Original band. Dit boek is alleen op afspraak te bezichtigen.
| € 650.00
J J Schmidt,
seeall Religion more information |
| Christ-Catholische Glaubens-Lehr, Das ist: Kurtze, klare, und gründliche Auslegung Des kleinen in fünff Haupt-Stuck eingetheilten Catechismi : Der Ordnung nach In ein und neuntzig Christen-Lehren verf...Christ-Catholische Glaubens-Lehr, Das ist: Kurtze, klare, und gründliche Auslegung Des kleinen in fünff Haupt-Stuck eingetheilten Catechismi : Der Ordnung nach In ein und neuntzig Christen-Lehren verfasset (...) zu allgemeinen Unterricht der kleinen Jugend so wohl, als der Erwachsenen in offentlichen Druck hervorgegeben.
details_place | Augsburg |
details_publisher | Rieger |
details_complete | Yes |
details_conditiontext | Browning throughout the book. Spine of the book split at the front but still holding firm. |
details_condition | 7 |
language | DEU |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | No |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Leather |
details_sizedescription | Octavo 8vo |
details_heightcm | 21 |
details_widthcm | 17.5 |
details_thickcm | 5.5 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | PFALZER |
details_gewicht | 0.90 |
details_bookid | 5566 |
| € 85.00
Marcellin Pfalzer,
seeall Religion more information |
| Paper theatre (3-piece) Paper theatre (3-piece)
details_complete | Yes |
details_illustrated | No |
details_heightcm | 18.5 |
details_widthcm | 22 |
details_thickcm | 0.04 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_gewicht | 0.04 |
details_collation | No of Bindings |
details_bookid | 5771 |
We estimate that our paper theater was made late 18th century or early 19th century. Not dated, date is an estimate.
| € 275.00
seeall more information |
| het Hemels Palm-Hof, vervult met veele schoone onderwyzingen, Christelyke Oeffeningen, Litanien en gebeden. tweeden druk, tot Mechelen uyt de drukkerye van P.J. Hanicq, et Approbatiehet Hemels Palm-Hof, vervult met veele schoone onderwyzingen, Christelyke Oeffeningen, Litanien en gebeden. tweeden druk, tot Mechelen uyt de drukkerye van P.J. Hanicq, et Approbatie
details_place | Mechelen |
details_publisher | P.J.Hanicq |
details_complete | Yes |
language | NLD |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | No |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Leather |
details_sizedescription | 24mo |
details_heightcm | 14.4 |
details_widthcm | 9.1 |
details_thickcm | 2.8 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_gewicht | 0.26 |
details_collation | Frontispiece / Title Page / 8 NNP / 370 Pages / 3 Blank pages |
details_bookid | 5647 |
With metal clasps and border. Niet gedateerd, datum is een schatting.
| € 175.00
seeall Other more information |
| Gedichten van Joachim Oudaan, noit voor dezen in 't licht gezien. Uitgegeven door H.K. Poot.Gedichten van Joachim Oudaan, noit voor dezen in 't licht gezien. Uitgegeven door H.K. Poot.
details_place | Delft |
details_publisher | Reinier Boitet |
details_complete | Yes |
details_condition | 8 |
language | NLD |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | No |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Vellum |
details_heightcm | 16.4 |
details_widthcm | 10.5 |
details_thickcm | 3.2 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | OUDAAN |
details_gewicht | 0.25 |
details_bookid | 5769 |
details_ex_libris | Dr. R. Cordes |
| € 200.00
Joachim Oudaan,
seeall Poetry more information |
| Traité de la Sphere, par M. Rivard, professeur de philosophie en l'université de Paris, au college de beauvais. Revue, corrigée & augmentée par l'Auteur, dans laguelle on a ajouté un Traite du Calend...Traité de la Sphere, par M. Rivard, professeur de philosophie en l'université de Paris, au college de beauvais. Revue, corrigée & augmentée par l'Auteur, dans laguelle on a ajouté un Traite du Calendrier. A Paris, chez Jean Desaint & Charles Saillant, libraires rue S. Jean-de-Beauvais, vis-a-vis du college. M.DCC.LVII. (1757) Avec Approbation & privilege du Roi
details_place | Paris |
details_publisher | Jean Desaint & Charles Saillant |
details_complete | Yes |
details_conditiontext | Pages 41-44/45-48 not seperated at the edges. |
language | FRA |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | Yes |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Leather |
details_sizedescription | Octavo 8vo |
details_heightcm | 20.1 |
details_widthcm | 13.2 |
details_thickcm | 2.1 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_auteur_code | RIVARD |
details_gewicht | 0.34 |
details_collation | Title Page / 4 Roman numbered pages / 2 NNP / 156 Pages / 3 Folding Plates / 4 Tables / Title Page / 1 NNP / 84 Pages / 1 Folding Table / 9 Tables |
details_bookid | 5650 |
Contains Traité de la Sphere and Traité du Calendier. Total of 3 folding plates, 1 folding table, 13 tables.
| € 245.00
M. Rivard,
seeall Other more information |
| Taferelen der voornaamste geschiedenissen van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament. Taferelen der voornaamste geschiedenissen van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament.
details_place | Den Haag |
details_publisher | Pieter de Hondt |
details_complete | Yes |
details_conditiontext | goed |
details_condition | 8 |
language | NLD |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | Yes |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Leather With High Relief |
details_heightcm | 38 |
details_widthcm | 52 |
details_thickcm | 12 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_gewicht | 16.00 |
details_collation | 3 No of Bindings |
details_bookid | 91018 |
Three volumes. IMPERIAL paper. Bound by the FIRST STATE BINDERY 1722-1793. The most important Dutch Bindery in the 18th century located in The Hague. See Storm van Leeuwen IIA p 67 et seq. Bindings expertly restored. Dit boek is alleen op afspraak te bezichtigen.
| € 5750.00
J Saurin,
seeall Bibles more information |
| C Velleii Patervuli Quae supersunt ex Historiae Romanae....C Velleii Patervuli Quae supersunt ex Historiae Romanae....
details_place | Leiden |
details_publisher | S Luchtmans |
details_complete | Yes |
details_condition | 8 |
language | LAT |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | No |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Vellum |
details_heightcm | 13 |
details_widthcm | 21 |
details_thickcm | 6 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_gewicht | 0.82 |
details_collation | No of Bindings |
details_bookid | 91013 |
Without the price. Ribbons not included. Text block very clean and clear. This book can only be viewed by appointment.
| € 210.00
C Velleii Paterculi,
seeall Bindings more information |
| Novum Testamentum Amstelodami Ex Officina Elzeviriana 1670Novum Testamentum Amstelodami Ex Officina Elzeviriana 1670
details_place | Amsterdam |
details_publisher | Elzevirina |
details_complete | Yes |
details_condition | 8 |
language | ELL |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | No |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Leather With High Relief |
details_heightcm | 6.5 |
details_widthcm | 12 |
details_thickcm | 3.5 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_gewicht | 0.19 |
details_collation | No of Bindings |
details_bookid | 91021 |
details_ex_libris | Ger Brouwer |
Collated: complete. Ex Libris Ger Brouwer 1919 - 2005 Librarian UB Amsterdam. This book can only be viewed by appointment.
| € 750.00
seeall Bibles more information |
| The Lady's Magazine or Entertaining Compenion for the Fair Sex. Appropriated solely to their use and amusement. Vol. XXVIII for the year 1797. London. Printed for G. G. & J. Robinson. No. 25. Paternoster ...The Lady's Magazine or Entertaining Compenion for the Fair Sex. Appropriated solely to their use and amusement. Vol. XXVIII for the year 1797. London. Printed for G. G. & J. Robinson. No. 25. Paternoster Row.
details_place | London |
details_publisher | G. G. & J. Robinson |
details_complete | Yes |
details_conditiontext | Soiled copy with spots, 2 plates missing part of white marging, this copy does not contain sewing patterns, the book contains musical scores and plates. |
details_condition | 6 |
language | ENU |
details_medium | books |
details_illustrated | Yes |
details_bindingdescription | Contemporary Full Leather |
details_sizedescription | Octavo 8vo |
details_heightcm | 21.5 |
details_widthcm | 14 |
details_thickcm | 4.5 |
details_firstedition | No |
details_gewicht | 0.83 |
details_collation | 1 Blank pages / 620 Pages / 4 NNP / 2 Blank pages / 13 Folding Plates / 21 Engraved Plates |
details_bookid | 3274 |
| € 85.00
seeall Magazines more information |