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The Lady's Magazine or Entertaining Compenion for the Fair Sex. Appropriated solely to their use and amusement. Vol. XXVIII for the year 1797. London. Printed for G. G. & J. Robinson. No. 25. Paternoster ...

€ 85.00

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Onderwys ofte Aenleydinge tot een Godvruchtig Leven, beschreven door den H. Franciscus de Sales, Biscop en Prince van Geneven; Instelder van de Orden der Visitatie van de H. Maegd en Moeder Gods Maria. Va...

€ 65.00

Franciscus de Sales,

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Het nut der tegenspoeden, brieven en andere gedichten.

€ 70.00

Lucretia Wilhelmina van Merken,

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Liber tobiae vulgatae editionis, versione Belgica, Notis Grammaticalibus, literalibus, criticis &c. praemisso prolegomeno, elucidatus, authore F. Wilhelmo Smits, Ord. FF. Minorum Recollectorum, Provinciae...

€ 70.00

F. Wilhelmo Smits,

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's Werelts Begin, Midden, Eynde, Beslooten in den Trou-ring, met den Proef-steen van den zelven.

€ 80.00

Jacob Cats,

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Philosophia ad usum scholarum accomodata, auctore Antonio Seguy, Presbytero Tutelate, sacrae Facultatis Parisiensis Licentiato Theologo, atque in Studii Parisiensis Universitate Philosophiae Professore, ...

€ 135.00

Antonio Séguy,

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Le Chef - d'œuvre d'un Inconnu, Poëme heureusement découvert & mis au jour, avec des Remarques savantes & recherchées. Par M. le Docteur Chrisostome Matanasius. On trouve de plus une Dissertation ...

€ 85.00

Chrisostome Matanasius,

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A lecture on Heads by Geo. Alex. Stevens with additions by mr. pilon as delivered by mr. Charles Lee Lewes. to which is added an essay on satire with twenty-four heads by Nesbit from designs by Thurston.

€ 150.00

G. A. Stevens,

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Het boek der PSALMEN nevens de gezangen bij de HERVORMDE KERK van NEDERLAND in GEBRUIK; Door last van de Hoog Mog: Heeren STAATEN GENERAAL der vereenigde nederlanden, uit drie berijmingen, in den jaare 17...

€ 95.00

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The Works of James Thomson with his last Corrections and Improvements. In four Volumes. Vol. 1 - 4

€ 130.00

James Thomson,

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